August 3, 2016

Herbst - Discography

Band: Herbst
Gemre: Neo Folk
Country: Germany

   Herbst is a one man band from Germany founded  by Herbst (also the founder of Lantlôs) in 2005, sadly the band ended a few years later. The band name translates to autumn.
   Although the band founder is also the founder of Lantlôs, the two bands have nothing in common. Honestly Herbst reminds me a lot of Empyrium, but with more influences from the black metal scene.
   I recommend this band for everyone.

NOTE: I won't be posting the demo (Demo 2006), because all the songs in the demo are in the full-length album (I: Prolog), the tracks are 1. 2 and 3.
I: Prolog (2007)

Type: Full-length
Size: 66,3 MB
  1. Aufbruch
  2. Reise
  3. Endzeit
  4. Der Weg
  5. Am Bächlein
  6. Untitled
Mediafire - Download


  1. Herbst was also one of the members in the band 'Líam'

  2. es genial, meta encantado
